While the first Olympic Games were held in 1896 (in summer), it was 28 years later when the first Olympic Winter Games were held, in Chamonix, France.
Source: Vancouver Organizing Committee
Year: 2010
February 18, 2010
The median age at first marriage in 2008 was 27.6 years for men and 25.9 years for women.
Source: Census Bureau
Climate Science Slipping?
In our article on Climategate, we cited overwhelming scientific consensus — represented in part by the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — pointing to a global rise in temperatures. But the IPCC’s credibility has been challenged since we wrote that article, with several situations coming to light in which the panel reproduced erroneous results from non-peer-reviewed literature.
Himalayan Glaciers: The IPCC’s 2007 Working Group II report misrepresented the melt rate of the Himalayan glaciers,
Dick Cheney vs. Joe Biden
Vice President Biden and former V.P. Cheney have been slugging it out publicly over the proper way to prosecute suspected terrorists. Biden went so far as to accuse Cheney of being “factually, substantively wrong.” So we took a look, and found both men have been straining the facts …
February 17, 2010
Six percent of married women in the U.S. had been married for at least 50 years, as of 2004.
Source: Census Bureau
FactCheck Mailbag, Week of Feb. 9-Feb. 15
This week, readers sent us comments on government health coverage, chain e-mails and idealism about the press. In the FactCheck Mailbag, we feature some of the e-mail we receive.
Readers can send comments to editor@factcheck.org. Letters may be edited for length.
Obama at Columbia University
Q: Is it true that nobody remembers Obama attending Columbia University?
A: At least one of his classmates remembers him well, and the university proudly claims Obama.
February 16, 2010
Seventy percent of Americans aged 30 to 34 in 2008 were married or had been married in the past.
Source: Census Bureau
February 15, 2010
In 2008, 2.16 million marriages (nearly 6,000 a day) were performed in the U.S.
Source: National Center for Health Statistics/Census Bureau
February 14, 2010
Cut roses produced in the U.S. in 2008 had a wholesale value of $24 million (for all producers with at least $100,000 in sales).
Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service