Q: Is it true that members of Congress, their staffers and their family members do not have to pay back their student loans?
A: Not true. Some congressional employees are eligible to have up to $60,000 of student loans repaid after several years — just like other federal workers. But that’s not the case for members of Congress or their families.
Year: 2011
FactCheck Mailbag, Week of Dec. 28-Jan. 3
During our break for the holidays, readers sent us comments about TSA screenings, the estate tax and bringing FactCheck to cable television.
In the FactCheck Mailbag, we feature some of the e-mail we receive. Readers can send comments to editor@factcheck.org. Letters may be edited for length.
A New Home for FactCheck.org
With the New Year we are getting new GPS coordinates.
FactCheck.org is moving to the Annenberg Public Policy Center’s new headquarters building on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. Our web address, of course, remains unchanged.
Our new physical address:
c/o Annenberg Public Policy Center
202 S. 36th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3806
Our telephone numbers:
Annenberg Public Policy Center: (215) 898-9400
FactCheck.org News Desk: (215) 573-7070
Annenberg’s Washington, D.C., office — which has been our home since we began operations in 2003 —