This week, readers sent us letters congratulating us on our Webby wins for best politics website.
In the FactCheck Mailbag, we feature some of the e-mail we receive. Readers can send comments to Letters may be edited for length.
Well, you MUST know that you are the only people who were even remotely concerned about “us people” understanding what is going on!!!! That, in itself, is the first miracle. And you have all worked so exceedingly hard to keep the truth in the forefront without beating your own drum. So, WE hadda do it fer ya!!!! We all, whoever we are, can never thank you enough for seeing clearly and being able to translate that to we, the people, who need the truth so desperately!!!
Beverly Smith
Cottonwood, Ariz.
So great that you won, as you all so deserve it!!! Keep up the good and unbiased work — especially this year with the upcoming elections. Congratulations to all there.
Theresa Joniec
Horsham, Pa.
You should be proud. They only let me vote for you ONCE. I think the reason you won was because of the great service you are providing. You should send FactCheck to every newspaper, radio station and television station in the country. We need the truth told during this campaign.
Don Hoagland
St. Louis, Mo.
I don’t Tweet, and I don’t Facebook, so, I was unable to vote. But you always have been my favorite political website, and the hands-down authority for all things political. Congrats!
Linda Coleman
Rockville, Md.