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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Obama Oversells U.S. Economy

Obama Oversells U.S. Economy

In a recent speech, President Obama criticized Republicans for making claims about the economy and health care that are “not supported by the facts.” But Obama resorted to some spin of his own.

Partisan Spin on Clinton’s Emails

Partisan Spin on Clinton’s Emails

The State Department inspector general’s report on Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system while secretary of state had members in both parties spinning the facts to score partisan points this election season.

Video: Trump ‘to Abolish VA’?

Video: Trump ‘to Abolish VA’?

Hillary Clinton said that she “read” that Donald Trump “said he wants to … abolish the VA.” But Clinton distorted the facts, as CNN’s Jake Tapper explains in this week’s fact-checking video.

Time to Retire GOP Talking Point

Time to Retire GOP Talking Point

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell falsely claimed that “the average person is about $3,000 or $4,000 a year worse off today than when President Obama came to office.”

Trump’s Hot Air on Wind Energy

Trump’s Hot Air on Wind Energy

Trump said wind farms in the U.S. “kill more than 1 million birds a year.” Reliable data are scarce, but current estimates range from 20,000 to 573,000 bird deaths per year. Trump also falsely claimed shooting an eagle leads to five years in prison.

Expert Voice Analyst: It’s Trump

Expert Voice Analyst: It’s Trump

When Donald Trump flatly denied that he posed as public-relations man John Miller in a 1991 phone interview, we asked a speech scientist at Carnegie Mellon University to analyze the voice on the tape. Her conclusion: “John Miller” is Trump.

Trump, Sanders and Clinton Repeats

Trump, Sanders and Clinton Repeats

This edition of Groundhog Friday, an occasional wrap-up of recent repeats, includes claims from the presidential candidates about Libya, income inequality, nuclear weapons and more.

IG Report on Clinton’s Emails

IG Report on Clinton’s Emails

How do Hillary Clinton’s statements on her use of a personal email system while secretary of state stack up with the report by the State Department Office of Inspector General?