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Clinton and Nuclear Launch Times

Clinton and Nuclear Launch Times

Q: Did Hillary Clinton disclose classified information when she said it takes four minutes to launch a nuclear missile after a presidential order?
A: The U.S. Strategic Command said it does not “disclose operational timelines.” But it is common knowledge that it takes about four minutes. 

Clinton’s Connection to FBI Official

Clinton’s Connection to FBI Official

Without any evidence, Donald Trump said that Hillary Clinton knew that “one of the closest people” to her donated over $675,000 to the campaign of the wife of an FBI official who investigated Clinton’s use of a private email system as secretary of state.

A False ‘Corruption’ Claim

A False ‘Corruption’ Claim

In a TV ad, Donald Trump falsely claims that Hillary Clinton “handed over American uranium rights to the Russians” as part of a “pay-to-play” scheme to get “filthy rich.” Clinton did not have the authority to unilaterally approve that deal.

Did the Pope Endorse Trump?

Did the Pope Endorse Trump?

Q: Did Pope Francis endorse Donald Trump? Is Tom Hanks supporting him?
A: No, the pope has not endorsed him, and Tom Hanks does not support him.

Video: The Final Debate

Video: The Final Debate

CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews four claims from the final presidential debate in his latest fact-checking video as part of our weekly series with the host of “State of the Union.”

More Bogus Voter Fraud from Trump

More Bogus Voter Fraud from Trump

Donald Trump falsely claimed that “John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, was quoted in WikiLeaks as saying, illegal immigrants could vote as long as they have their driver’s license.” Podesta said no such thing.

Clinton’s Misleading Debt Claims

Clinton’s Misleading Debt Claims

In the final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton claimed that her proposals would “not add a penny to the debt.” But a nonpartisan budget watchdog group estimates that what she has detailed thus far would add $200 billion to the debt over 10 years.

Video: The Final Debate

Video: The Final Debate

This video features eight claims that we fact-checked at the third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Video: FactCheck.org on the CBC

Video: FactCheck.org on the CBC

Before the final debate began, Managing Editor Lori Robertson discussed the challenges of fact-checking the presidential election with the CBC News Network’s Peter Armstrong.