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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Quote Falsely Tied to Ocasio-Cortez

Quote Falsely Tied to Ocasio-Cortez

A viral meme mocks Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for a statement about capitalism versus socialism that she never actually made.

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?

Is Mexico Paying for the Wall Through USMCA?

President Donald Trump declared via Twitter that he is keeping perhaps his most famous campaign promise, claiming that “MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL!” through a recent trade agreement negotiated with Mexico. But economic and trade experts we interviewed said that’s not possible.

Video: FactChecking Oval Office Meeting Claims

Video: FactChecking Oval Office Meeting Claims

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews some of the claims that we wrote about following the contentious Oval Office meeting on Dec. 11 between President Donald Trump and the Democratic congressional leaders.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Taken Way Out of Context

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Taken Way Out of Context

In a 2012 interview with an Arabic-language television station, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suggested that as Egypt prepared to write a new constitution, Egyptians look to more recently written constitutions than the United States’.

Websites Distort Story of Former Federal Judge

Websites Distort Story of Former Federal Judge

Conservative websites falsely claim that former federal Judge Alex Kozinski “struck down” President Donald Trump’s original travel ban. He actually opposed its suspension. 

FactChecking the Trump-Pelosi-Schumer Scuffle

FactChecking the Trump-Pelosi-Schumer Scuffle

In a contentious Oval Office meeting, President Donald Trump and the Democratic congressional leaders — Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer — disagreed over funding for a border wall, mangling some facts in the process.

Meme Confuses Lincoln’s Bible With A Quran

Meme Confuses Lincoln’s Bible With A Quran

Former President Barack Obama was sworn into office in 2013 with his hand on two Bibles. He did not use a Quran, as a meme circulating online falsely claims.