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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Kushner Distorts Scope of Russia Interference

Kushner Distorts Scope of Russia Interference

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report concluded that “[t]he Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion” — contrary to Jared Kushner’s claim that Russia’s effort amounted to little more than “a couple Facebook ads.”

The Facts on Medicare for All

The Facts on Medicare for All

Sen. Bernie Sanders says his Medicare for All plan “would provide comprehensive and cost-effective health care for everyone,” while the White House has said it would “mandate a decrease or elimination of choice and competition.” Let’s look at the details of this proposal.

Meme Gets an ‘F’ on College Claims

Meme Gets an ‘F’ on College Claims

A popular Facebook post gives readers a false impression about the recent college admissions scandal and the cost of college for immigrants in the United States illegally.

Our Sixth Straight Webby Award

Our Sixth Straight Webby Award

The 2019 Webby Award for News & Politics website goes to … FactCheck.org. This is the sixth consecutive year — and 10th overall — that we have won the award voted on by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.

Giuliani’s Obstruction Distortions

Giuliani’s Obstruction Distortions

In an interview about the Mueller report, Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, distorted the facts in repeatedly making the case that there was “no obstruction” by Trump.

Debunking Mueller’s ‘Conflicts’

Debunking Mueller’s ‘Conflicts’

The Russia report released April 18 contradicts President Donald Trump’s claims that special counsel Robert Mueller had two conflicts of interest that prevented him from conducting an impartial investigation.

What the Mueller Report Says About Obstruction

What the Mueller Report Says About Obstruction

In the hours after the public release of the redacted report from special counsel Robert S. Mueller, President Donald Trump took to Twitter with a message that reads, in part, “NO OBSTRUCTION!” That’s not at all what the Mueller report says, though.

What the Mueller Report Says About Russian Contacts

What the Mueller Report Says About Russian Contacts

The special counsel investigation “established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government.” But it “did not establish that the Campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities.”

Phony Ben Carson Quote About Public Assistance

Phony Ben Carson Quote About Public Assistance

An old meme from Ben Carson’s days as a Republican candidate for president is circulating again. But there’s still no evidence that he said, “My mother raised me with no help from the government.”