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Partisan Posts Misrepresent IRS’ Voluntary Program Proposal on Tip Income

Partisan Posts Misrepresent IRS’ Voluntary Program Proposal on Tip Income

The IRS has proposed a voluntary program that employers could choose to use in order to manage the taxes owed on employees’ tips. The program would replace similar existing programs. But some partisan social media accounts have wrongly suggested that the program indicates either new taxes or increased enforcement. Neither is true.

Gen. Milley Has Long Combat History, Contrary to Social Media Posts

Gen. Milley Has Long Combat History, Contrary to Social Media Posts

Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer. But posts on social media falsely claimed Milley “never served in combat.” Milley has an “extensive background of combat experience,” according to the U.S. Army, including deployment to Iraq and three tours in Afghanistan. 

Video: Hearst on the State of the Union

Video: Hearst on the State of the Union

Hearst Television — one of our media partners — produced this fact-checking video segment featuring our article on President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

Moisture-Absorbent Tablet in Pregnancy Tests, Not ‘Hidden Plan B’ Pill

Moisture-Absorbent Tablet in Pregnancy Tests, Not ‘Hidden Plan B’ Pill

Pregnancy tests contain a desiccant tablet to absorb moisture and keep the test dry before use. But posts on social media falsely claim the tablet is a “hidden plan B” pill. Companies that produce pregnancy tests include a warning on their websites not to consume the desiccant tablets inside. 

FBI Reimbursed Twitter for Providing User Information

FBI Reimbursed Twitter for Providing User Information

In an email to a Twitter lawyer in February 2021, an unidentified Twitter employee wrote that the company had received over $3.4 million from the FBI since October 2019 as reimbursement for Twitter’s processing of legal requests for user information. That is not evidence that the FBI paid Twitter to “censor” or “suppress” content.

Post Misstates Quote from Starbucks CEO on Marriage

Post Misstates Quote from Starbucks CEO on Marriage

Starbucks has a long history of supporting LGBTQ rights and same-sex marriage. But a post on social media twists a 2013 statement from its CEO at the time to falsely claim he said don’t buy Starbucks coffee “if you support traditional marriage.”