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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Facts on Chlorpyrifos

The Facts on Chlorpyrifos

Both the EPA and its critics say science is on their side in the debate over whether the agricultural insecticide should be banned.

Trump Spins His First 100 Days

Trump Spins His First 100 Days

In an interview with the AP, the president stretched the facts on China, his border wall and job creation.

Spinning the Intel Hearing

Spinning the Intel Hearing

The White House posted a series of misleading tweets on the investigation into Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 campaign.

Obama’s Whoppers

Obama’s Whoppers

A look back at fact-checking the 44th president of the United States

The Whoppers of 2016

The Whoppers of 2016

Donald Trump again dominates our annual review of political falsehoods.

The 2016 FactCheck Awards

The 2016 FactCheck Awards

We highlight some TV ads that made us laugh out loud and either shake our heads or scratch them.

The Candidates on Climate Change

The Candidates on Climate Change

We delve into the presidential candidates’ stances and claims on an issue that has received little attention in this campaign.

Spinning the FBI Letter

Spinning the FBI Letter

Director James Comey’s vague announcement sparks partisan distortions.