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Jailhouse Gang?

Santorum ad misleadingly portrays Casey’s “campaign team” as a posse of lawbreakers and suspects, though none actually work for Casey.

Context Goes AWOL in Tennessee

Tennessee Senate Candidate Bob Corker joined forces with the NRSC to produce an ad asking Tennessee voters who Democratic Representative Harold Ford, Jr. is “kidding” on national security.

Distortions in the Desert

Democratic challenger Jim Pederson inaccurately portrays incumbent Sen. Jon Kyl’s voting record on energy policy. He says Kyl “voted oil corporations billions in special tax breaks” when in fact Kyl was one of the few Republicans to oppose tax breaks in the recent energy bill.

Overreaching in Ohio

An ad by a new outside group, Majority Action, which is co-chaired by former Democratic National Committee co-chairman Joe Andrew, attacks Ohio Republican Rep. Deborah Pryce for traveling too much at the expense of “big special interests,” weakening ethics rules and trying to block a probe of infamous and indicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Santorum’s Family Affair

Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Rick Santorum shows his children claiming that political opponents have criticized him “for moving us to Washington,” and that “they criticized us for attending a Pennsylvania public school over the Internet.”

Volleys of Tax Votes: A September Blizzard in Ohio

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) accuses GOP incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine’s Democratic challenger, Rep. Sherrod Brown, of voting for higher taxes – over 35 times, according to a TV ad. Brown, in a response ad, defends himself, saying he “voted to cut taxes for the middle class 33 times,” and charges DeWine with voting for “the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy,” for “taxes on Social Security,” and with wanting to put Social Security into “risky stock market investments.”

A Misleading Appeal To Fear

The pro-Bush group Progress for America is running a TV ad appealing directly to Americans’ fear of terrorists, saying bluntly “These people want to kill us.”

Hello? Hello?: Democrats Blame Corker for Missed 911 Calls

Republicans cry foul over a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee TV ad attacking Republican Senate candidate Bob Corker, the former mayor of Chattanooga. It said, “Thanks to Bob Corker’s failures as Mayor, more than thirty-one-thousand 911 calls went unanswered.”