It’s a fact McCain endorsed Bush. It’s also a fact he criticized Bush’s war performance.
Featured Articles
Anti-Kerry Ad Misses Context, Distorts Facts
An ad by the pro-Bush Progress for America Voter Fund (PFA) attacks Kerry for voting against intelligence spending and for voting against “13 weapons systems our troops depend on.” The ad is partly accurate, but misleads by starving the facts of context.
Kerry “Paperwork” Ad: Accurate
Kerry ad says medical paperwork costs hundreds of billions and his plan could save money. He’s right. But what about the expense?
Bush Contradicted On Iraq & al Qaeda? Or not?
Even the 9-11 commissioners don’t agree about whether their staff report contradicted the Bush administration.
Anti-Bush Ad Overstates Case Against Halliburton
MoveOn PAC ad says administration gave contracts “on a silver platter,” but government investigators say otherwise.
Draft Fears Fueled by Inaccurate E-mails
A scare story spreads electronically, but it gets facts wrong.
Bush Ad Claims His Tax Cuts Exceed Reagan’s
New ad says his cuts are “the largest tax relief in history.” Some experts disagree.
Kerry Health Care Ad: Exaggerated, But Mostly on Target
He says 43 million don’t have “health care.” He means they don’t have insurance.
Kerry Stays Positive, Avoids Specifics
His latest ad is all generalities, no facts.
Bush Ad Falsely Implies Kerry Would Repeal Wiretaps of Terrorists
In reality, Kerry favors some of the same “safeguards” as several conservative Republicans.