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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s Private Lawyer Won’t Cost Taxpayers

Trump’s Private Lawyer Won’t Cost Taxpayers

Q: Is President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, “costing taxpayers $10,000 per hour” for his services during the Russia investigation?
A: No. That claim comes from a baseless story on an “entertainment” website that posts satirical stories.

Can Trump Fire Mueller?

Can Trump Fire Mueller?

Q: Can President Donald Trump fire special counsel Robert Mueller?

A: Not directly. Only the deputy attorney general who appointed Mueller can fire him and only for cause. But Trump could fire the DAG, or order the special-counsel regulations repealed and fire Mueller himself.

John McCain Still a Republican

John McCain Still a Republican

Q: Has Sen. John McCain “renounced any affiliation with the Republican Party”?

A: No. That claim was made in a fake news story published by a “satirical publication.”

No Obama Statue in the White House

No Obama Statue in the White House

Q: Did President Barack Obama commission a life-size bronze statue of himself to leave in the White House?

A: No. That fake news story was “intended for entertainment purposes only.”

NASA Won’t Pay You to Smoke Weed

NASA Won’t Pay You to Smoke Weed

Q: Does NASA pay $18,000 for people to stay in bed and smoke weed for 70 straight days?

A: No. NASA conducts bed-rest studies, but it does not allow participants to smoke marijuana or even drink alcohol.

Hollywood Strike Hoax

Hollywood Strike Hoax

Q: Did Hollywood celebrities threaten to strike until President Donald Trump resigns?

A: No. That story was made up by a “HYBRID site of news and satire.”

Clinton Cargo Raid Didn’t Happen

Clinton Cargo Raid Didn’t Happen

Q: Were refugees, weapons and drugs found on a Clinton Foundation cargo ship?

A: No. That is yet another story from a prolific satirical website.

GOP Bill and Sexual Assault

GOP Bill and Sexual Assault

Q: Are sexual assault and rape preexisting conditions under the GOP health bill?

A: No. The bill doesn’t identify any preexisting conditions, and it says insurers can’t deny coverage to individuals who have them. But insurers could charge more for medical conditions in certain cases.

Trump Not Deporting Native Americans

Trump Not Deporting Native Americans

Q: Did President Donald Trump tweet that he will deport American Indians to India?
A: No. This claim comes from a satirical website.

No ‘First Grandma’ Charges

No ‘First Grandma’ Charges

Q: Was Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, charged with larceny and fraud?

A: No. That false claim piggybacks on a fake news story that we already wrote about.