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Dearborn’s Anti-ISIS Rally

Dearborn’s Anti-ISIS Rally

Q: Was there a pro-ISIS rally in Dearborn, Michigan, on Dec. 5?
A: No. Actually, there was an anti-ISIS rally on Dec. 5 in Dearborn. False information about that rally was spread on social media. 

Bogus Meme Targets Trump

Bogus Meme Targets Trump

Q: Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, he’d do it as a Republican because “they’re the dumbest group of voters in the country” and that he “could lie and they’d still eat it up”?
A: No, that’s a bogus meme.

Hillary Clinton on Gun Deaths

Hillary Clinton on Gun Deaths

Q: Have 3,000 people been killed by guns in the U.S. in one month, from Oct. 13 to Nov. 14, 2015?
A: Comprehensive data aren’t available yet. The figures cited by Hillary Clinton during a Democratic debate are an extrapolation based on past years.

Senators Missing Votes

Senators Missing Votes

Q: Did Barack Obama and John Kerry miss 60 percent to 70 percent of their Senate votes while running for president, as Marco Rubio claimed?
A: Yes. Obama missed more than 64 percent of votes in 2008, and Kerry missed even more — nearly 90 percent — in 2004.

Resettling Syrian Refugees

Resettling Syrian Refugees

Q: Are 65,000 Syrian refugees being relocated to the U.S.?
A: No. The Obama administration says 1,000 to 2,000 Syrians will likely be resettled in the United States by the end of September, and at least 10,000 more in 2016.

Jade Helm Not Martial Law

Jade Helm Not Martial Law

Q: Is Jade Helm 15 a government attempt to create martial law in the U.S.?
A: No. It’s a joint military training exercise lasting two months this summer.


Coming to America

Coming to America

Q: Is President Obama flying children from Central America to the U.S.?
A: Yes. An administration program allows certain immigrant parents lawfully in the U.S. to bring their children to the country as refugees or parolees.

Ted Cruz’s Presidential Eligibility

Ted Cruz’s Presidential Eligibility

Q: Is Sen. Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada, eligible to be the U.S. president?
A: Most likely. The legal consensus is that Cruz qualifies because he was born to a U.S. citizen living abroad, making him a U.S. citizen at birth.

King v. Burwell Fallout

King v. Burwell Fallout

Q: How many people would become uninsured if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against the administration in King v. Burwell?
A: Two independent analyses put the figure at about 8 million, but that’s only an estimate.