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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

False Tax Claims

False Tax Claims

Q: Did Democrats increase federal income tax rates in 2014 under Obamacare?
A: No. Tax increases mentioned in a viral email went into effect a year earlier, as part of a budget deal supported by many Republicans as well as most Democrats.

A False Claim of a Medicare Change

A False Claim of a Medicare Change

Q: Does the Affordable Care Act require Medicare beneficiaries over age 75 to be admitted to the hospital by their primary care physician?
A. No. There is no such requirement in the law.

Medicaid Estate Recovery Program

Medicaid Estate Recovery Program

Q: Does the Affordable Care Act allow states to confiscate the estates of seniors on Medicaid when they die?
A: No, but a 1993 federal law requires states to recover Medicaid costs for long-term care from the estates of deceased Medicaid beneficiaries over the age of 55.

No ‘Back Door’ Gun Control

No ‘Back Door’ Gun Control

Q: Did “Obama and the EPA” shut down the nation’s last lead smelting plant as part of a “back door gun control” plan to reduce the supply of ammunition?
A: No. The plant closing on Dec. 31 is in response to EPA rules adopted before President Obama took office, and ammunition manufacturers say it will not affect supply.

Does ACA Cover Volunteer Firefighters?

Does ACA Cover Volunteer Firefighters?

Q: Will the Affordable Care Act force fire departments to provide health insurance to their volunteers?
A: No. A memo issued by the Department of Treasury makes clear volunteer firefighters will not be counted as full-time employees under the Affordable Care Act.

Michelle Obama and CGI Federal

Michelle Obama and CGI Federal

Q: Does a college classmate of Michelle Obama work for CGI Federal? Did that company receive a no-bid contract to build the HealthCare.gov website?
A: Toni Townes-Whitley, a senior vice president at CGI, and Obama graduated from Princeton University in 1985. However, company and government officials say the contract was awarded through a competitive bidding process.

Free Gas For Low-Income Americans?

Free Gas For Low-Income Americans?

Q: Is it true that Obamacare provides for opening “free gasoline” service stations for low-income people?
A: No. This rumor was started by a satirical news story.

ACA Doesn’t Restrict Mammograms

ACA Doesn’t Restrict Mammograms

Q: Does the Affordable Care Act restrict my ability to get a mammogram?
A: No. In fact, the law requires insurers to cover mammography, with no cost-sharing, every one to two years for women starting at age 40. Medicare fully pays for mammograms once every 12 months with no upper age limit.

Sex Questions from Your Doctor?

Sex Questions from Your Doctor?

Q: Will doctors be required to ask patients questions about their sexual history under the Affordable Care Act?
A: No. A program created by the stimulus law – not Obamacare — encourages health professionals to use electronic records. But there is no requirement in the program to ask anything about sexual history.