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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Federal Reserve Bank Ownership

Q: Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank?
A: There are actually 12 different Federal Reserve Banks around the country, and they are owned by big private banks. But the banks don’t necessarily run the show. Nationally, the Federal Reserve System is led by a Board of Governors whose seven members are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?

Q: Was Barack Obama really a constitutional law professor?
A: His formal title was "senior lecturer," but the University of Chicago Law School says he "served as a professor" and was "regarded as" a professor.

Hillary Worked for Goldwater?

Q: Did Hillary Clinton work for Goldwater?
A: She was a high-school Young Republican and "Goldwater Girl" in 1964 but swung to supporting Democrat Eugene McCarthy’s campaign in 1968 and George McGovern’s in 1972.

Overseas Fundraising Legal?

Q: Is it legal for candidates to raise funds overseas for a presidential race?

A: Yes, but they can’t legally accept donations from individuals who are neither U.S. citizens nor permanent U.S. residents.

Republicans Go for Hillary in TX, Ohio Primaries?

Q: Did 10 percent of Hillary’s votes come from "Limbaugh Democrats" in the Ohio and Texas primaries?
A: According to exit polls, she didn’t get that many of her votes from Republicans, and it’s hard to know how many of those she did get were the result of Rush Limbaugh’s exhortations.

Obama’s Small Donations

Q: Was Obama correct to say 90% of his money comes from donors giving $50 or less?
A: No. He gets more from small donors than either Clinton or McCain, but two-thirds of his money still comes from those giving $200 or more.

What Some CEOs Make in 10 Minutes

Q: Is Obama right to say some CEOs make more in 10 minutes than an average worker does in a year?

A: By our calculations only Steve Jobs did so in 2006.

Clinton vs. Bush: Middle Income Taxes

Q: Do middle-income persons pay lower federal income taxes under Bush than they did under Bill Clinton?
A: Yes, middle-income taxpayers pay less, but not nearly as much less as claimed in a widely circulated chain e-mail. Moreover, both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton propose additional middle-income cuts, contrary to what the message insinuates.