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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Doctored Image Takes Aim at Stacey Abrams

Doctored Image Takes Aim at Stacey Abrams

Q: Is the Muslim Brotherhood “backing” Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams?

A: No. There is no evidence to support that claim, posted in a viral, manipulated image.

A Misleading $17 Million Hush Money Claim

A Misleading $17 Million Hush Money Claim

Q: Has $17 million in taxpayer money been spent on sexual harassment settlements for members of Congress?

A: No. That figure also includes payments for other types of settlements, as well as payments on behalf of employees other than members of Congress over a 21-year period.

False Tale of Vandalism at Kavanaugh Home

False Tale of Vandalism at Kavanaugh Home

Q: Was Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s home vandalized by “over 200 protesters”?

A: No. The vandalized home in the photo is actually a house in Ontario, Canada.

Meme Repeats False Schumer Quote

Meme Repeats False Schumer Quote

Q: Did Sen. Chuck Schumer say “it’s racist to only allow citizens to vote”?

A: No. A Facebook meme and viral stories continue to incorrectly quote the Senate Democratic leader.

Viral Meme Makes Up Ocasio-Cortez Quote

Viral Meme Makes Up Ocasio-Cortez Quote

Q: Did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez say “we’ll never have to worry about China attacking us” because of the country’s time difference?

A: No. There is no evidence she made the statement used in a viral meme.

Falsehoods About Ford

Falsehoods About Ford

In the days after Christine Blasey Ford came forward to describe an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when they were teenagers, a series of falsehoods about the woman circulated online, questioning her credibility and motives.

Baseless Claim Tells of Gorsuch Accusation

Baseless Claim Tells of Gorsuch Accusation

Q: Did Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, make similar allegations against Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch?

A: No. There’s no evidence for that rumor, which has been spread on conservative websites. 

Meme Misidentifies Stock Image as Kavanaugh Accuser

Meme Misidentifies Stock Image as Kavanaugh Accuser

Q: Is the woman shown in a viral meme holding a “not my president” sign Christine Blasey Ford?

A: No. The photo being circulated is available for purchase on stock image websites. There is no evidence it is Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser.

Bogus Jennifer Lawrence Quote on 9/11, Trump

Bogus Jennifer Lawrence Quote on 9/11, Trump

Q: Did Jennifer Lawrence link 9/11 with the election of President Trump?

A: No. There is no record of the actress ever saying the quote attributed to her.

‘Muslim Spy’ Falsehood Circulates Again

‘Muslim Spy’ Falsehood Circulates Again

Q: Did President Trump find a “Muslim spy” in the White House?

A: No. That falsehood about a career State Department employee has circulated since 2017.