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FactChecking Ted Cruz, Part II

FactChecking Ted Cruz, Part II

In announcing his presidential candidacy, Sen. Ted Cruz painted a bleak picture of “economic stagnation” and “record numbers” of small-business failures. He’s off base on both counts.

Cruz Inflates IRS ‘Agents’

Cruz Inflates IRS ‘Agents’

Sen. Ted Cruz has repeatedly gotten basic facts about the Internal Revenue Service wrong when delivering one of his favorite applause lines, calling for its abolition.

More Keystone Spin

More Keystone Spin

With a showdown vote approaching on the Keystone XL pipeline, both sides continue to spin the facts about exports and safety.

Huckabee’s False Witnessing

Huckabee’s False Witnessing

Mike Huckabee made a number of twisted claims about President Obama’s recent reference to the Crusades and the Inquisition at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Obama’s Loophole Logic

Obama’s Loophole Logic

The White House is claiming that the top 1 percent of all earners would pay 99 percent of the capital gains tax increase proposed by the president. But that claim rests on some debatable logic.

NRSC Distorts Braley Tax Record

NRSC Distorts Braley Tax Record

In Iowa, a Republican ad claims that Democratic Senate nominee Bruce Braley “voted to raise taxes on every single Iowa taxpayer.” That badly distorts Braley’s clearly stated position.

Corbett’s Desperation and Deceit

Corbett’s Desperation and Deceit

We’ve noticed that the most deceitful attack ads often come from candidates who are most desperate. For example, consider the claim by Pennsylvania’s unpopular Republican Gov. Tom Corbett that his opponent “is promising to raise middle-class taxes.”