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Abortion Distortions 2014

Abortion Distortions 2014

In the 2014 fight for control of Congress, Democrats are sometimes using a tactic they’ve used before: Falsifying or exaggerating the positions their Republican opponents have taken on abortion.

No Cuts for Military Vets

No Cuts for Military Vets

A Republican TV ad in Illinois features indignant veterans scolding a Democratic House member about cuts to “veterans benefits” that never happened.

Spinning Wisconsin Voters

Spinning Wisconsin Voters

In Wisconsin’s race for governor, both sides are playing “spin the voter” with Republican incumbent Scott Walker’s record on jobs.

Another Arkansas Whopper

Another Arkansas Whopper

An ad from the Republican Governors Association claims that Democratic gubernatorial nominee Mike Ross of Arkansas got a “sweetheart deal” on the 2007 sale of his family-owned pharmacy. That’s not so.

Headed for the Hall of Shame

Headed for the Hall of Shame

A Republican ad attacking Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas says he “voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.” Actually, what Pryor voted for wouldn’t have paid a penny to any immigrant while here illegally.

Florida Fracking Fracas

Florida Fracking Fracas

A Florida ad attacking Republican Gov. Rick Scott has touched off claims of lying and illegality. We find both sides are bending the facts.

A Sour Note From ‘Every Voice’

A Sour Note From ‘Every Voice’

Two new ads from a newly renamed liberal group attack Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo of Kansas with descriptions of favors he supposedly did for campaign donors. One of the ads is inaccurate and misleading.

Wisconsin Trek-ery

Wisconsin Trek-ery

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker claims his Democratic opponent is “sending jobs overseas.” But Mary Burke says the family company makes “more bikes in the U.S. than anyone.” Neither is telling the whole story.

Medicare Ghost Stories

Medicare Ghost Stories

Ghost stories are fanciful, frightening tales told to children. But political claims about Medicare cuts are stories used to scare senior citizens. Such distortions are currently on display in the high-profile Kentucky Senate race.