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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Pennsylvania Pension Piffle

Pennsylvania Pension Piffle

An ad in the Pennsylvania governor’s race takes some cheap, misleading shots at Democratic frontrunner Tom Wolf’s record on pensions. And these come from a fellow Democrat, Rob McCord.

Fast-Food Fortune Teller

Fast-Food Fortune Teller

You don’t need a fortune teller to know that a business-backed group is twisting its cherry-picked facts in its latest ad attacking any increase in the federal minimum wage. Listen for the tip-off phrase: “up to.”

Rand Paul’s Supply-side Distortion

Rand Paul’s Supply-side Distortion

Sen. Paul claimed that 20 million jobs were created after Ronald Reagan’s dramatic tax cuts in the 1980s, and that this was the “last time” such job growth took place. Paul is wrong on both counts.

False Tax Claims

False Tax Claims

Q: Did Democrats increase federal income tax rates in 2014 under Obamacare?
A: No. Tax increases mentioned in a viral email went into effect a year earlier, as part of a budget deal supported by many Republicans as well as most Democrats.

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Our statistical indicators include record corporate profits and millions flocking to Obamacare, along with stagnant wages and a doubled debt.

Pipeline Primer

Pipeline Primer

The Keystone XL project: We examine the facts about jobs, spills, climate change and gasoline prices.

NextGen Climate Action

A liberal super PAC founded by San Francisco billionaire and climate-change activist Tom Steyer that focuses on environmental issues.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2014 Update)

Obama’s Numbers (January 2014 Update)

Latest statistics show stagnant wages, persistent long-term joblessness, soaring profits and stock prices, and moderating health care spending.

How ‘Liberal’ Is Sen. Cornyn?

How ‘Liberal’ Is Sen. Cornyn?

Republican Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas says he’s running against Sen. John Cornyn in the state’s 2014 primary because the incumbent is a backstabbing “liberal” who only votes with Republicans “temporarily” when an election approaches. But Cornyn’s voting record shows otherwise.