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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Reality Confronts Obama’s False Promise

Reality Confronts Obama’s False Promise

We’ve been saying for years that President Obama was over-simplifying and over-promising when he kept saying, “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” under the new health care law. Now reality is catching up with his political spin.

Democrats Exaggerate Shutdown Costs

Democrats Exaggerate Shutdown Costs

Some Democrats have taken to exaggerating the cost of the federal government shutdown, suggesting that it cost the economy nearly 1 million jobs, and claiming that it cost taxpayers $30 billion. Neither statement is accurate.

More (Mostly Accurate) Virginia Attacks

More (Mostly Accurate) Virginia Attacks

Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s latest ad says Republican Ken Cuccinelli “twists the facts” by saying McAuliffe made millions from a company that went bankrupt, leaving thousands of workers unemployed and with worthless pension funds.

Attack-Ad Alchemy

Attack-Ad Alchemy

In the Virginia race for governor, Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli is running a TV spot that practices the dark art of political alchemy — turning facts into falsehoods. And it does so while claiming to be telling “the truth.”

Obama’s Numbers: July Update

Obama’s Numbers: July Update

This is another in our series of regular quarterly updates of key statistical indicators of the Obama presidency. Our intent is to provide accurate measures of what’s changed — for better or worse — since Obama first took office in January 2009.

Food-Aid Foolery

Food-Aid Foolery

To learn a bit about how partisans create false political propaganda, take a few moments to study what’s behind this headline: “More People Getting Government Food than Actually Working.”

A Puffed-up Appeal to Job Fears

A Puffed-up Appeal to Job Fears

A TV ad opposing the Senate immigration bill uses inflated numbers in an oversimplified, one-sided appeal to fears about job security.

Obama’s Judicial Juggling

Obama’s Judicial Juggling

President Obama incorrectly claims that the Senate has taken three times longer to confirm his court nominees than those of his predecessor, George W. Bush.