Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie has been saying retired Gen. Wesley Clark was really for war in Iraq — but the record doesn’t bear that out.
Stories by Brooks Jackson
What Bush Left Unsaid in State of the Union Address
President Bush accentuated the positive in his annual State of the Union Address to Congress Jan. 20 – leaving out some pertinent but negative facts.
Gephardt Ad Quotes Dean Out of Context
Tough attack twists Dean’s words about Medicare.
Was Wesley Clark a Republican?
He registered as an independent, says he voted for Nixon and Reagan, then for Clinton and Gore, later praised Bush but now criticizes him.
Even Opponents Call Iowa Anti-immigration Ad Factually Accurate
An ad running heavily in Iowa says meatpackers replaced Iowans with thousands of foreign workers and then cut wages “almost in half.” That claim is true, according to academics who studied the Iowa meatpacking industry. But the same academics disagree with the ad’s anti-immigration message and one called it “borderline racist.”
Is Bush Abusing Seniors with Medicare Rx Benefit?
A liberal group’s ad gets a couple facts right, but leaves out the good stuff.
Fibs and Flubs at Democratic Debate
Straining the facts at Iowa’s debate on Sunday Jan. 4.
Republican Economist Asks ‘Retraction’ – But Our Facts Stand
A Republican economist on the Joint Economic Committee says made “multiple and blatant factual errors” in an article we published Dec. 5. We don’t think so.
Gephardt ‘Enron’ Attack Misses the Mark
Dick Gephardt has been attacking Howard Dean for giving “huge tax breaks” to Enron. But Gephardt has failed to show that Enron got any special treatment.
Puncturing a Republican Tax Fable
Republican National Chairman Ed Gillespie said “80% of the tax relief for upper income filers goes to small businesses.” That’s untrue – and a classic example of a statistical distortion gone amok.