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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s Falsehood-Filled Speech on the Election

Trump’s Falsehood-Filled Speech on the Election

Before all of the votes in the 2020 election were counted, President Donald Trump wrongly claimed victory, calling for “all voting to stop” and claiming continuing to count legally cast votes would “disenfranchise” the people who voted for him.

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

Trump’s Misleading Attacks on Biden Over Fracking

President Trump and his allies continue to ignore Joe Biden’s written plan to only prohibit permits for new oil and gas drilling on federal land and waters. That plan would allow for extraction methods to continue under existing permits and in nonfederal areas.

Trump on the Stump

Trump on the Stump

We identified 46 false and misleading claims Trump made in six stump speeches from Oct. 12 to Oct. 16.

Biden on the Stump

Biden on the Stump

We fact-check nine claims made by the Democratic presidential nominee in recent campaign speeches.

Deceptive Trump Ad Attacks Biden on Guns

Deceptive Trump Ad Attacks Biden on Guns

A Trump campaign ad uses an out-of-context video clip to claim Joe Biden confirmed he will come for the guns of Americans if he’s elected president. In the unedited video, Biden was talking about his opposition to so-called “assault weapons” — not all firearms.

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

At a televised town hall in Philadelphia, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made false and misleading claims on COVID-19, health insurance and the 1994 crime bill.