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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Biden Misquotes Trump on Gold Star Families

Biden Misquotes Trump on Gold Star Families

On the subject of President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden misquoted Trump as saying, “I probably got it from Blue Star parents.” That’s not what Trump said.

Biden Bungles Clemency, Race Statistics

Biden Bungles Clemency, Race Statistics

During an NBC News town hall, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden botched statistics about clemencies during the Obama administration and the size of the Black population in Delaware.

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Claims

FactChecking Trump’s Weekend Claims

On Sept. 26 and 27, President Donald Trump spoke for about two hours and 15 minutes in five appearances. We’ve compiled many of the president’s false and misleading claims from those remarks.

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden answered questions from the public in a CNN town hall, but he got some facts wrong and misled on others.

DSCC Falsely Attacks Daines on Social Security

DSCC Falsely Attacks Daines on Social Security

In a TV ad, a Democratic committee falsely claims Sen. Steve Daines of Montana is “pushing a plan” that could “end Social Security benefits by 2023.” He’s not.

Biden’s False Attacks on Trump’s Social Security ‘Plan’

Biden’s False Attacks on Trump’s Social Security ‘Plan’

A Biden campaign TV ad falsely claims that a government analysis of President Donald Trump’s “planned cuts to Social Security” shows that “if Trump gets his way, Social Security benefits will run out in just three years from now.”

FactChecking Trump’s Fox News Interview

FactChecking Trump’s Fox News Interview

In an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that aired over two days, President Donald Trump made several false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims.