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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Ad Features Edited, Out-of-Context Biden Photos

Trump Ad Features Edited, Out-of-Context Biden Photos

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has released an ad that features edited and out-of-context photos to illustrate Joe Biden “hiding” in his basement rather than taking questions from reporters on the campaign trail.

False Ad About Biden’s VP Pick

False Ad About Biden’s VP Pick

A Republican TV ad targeted at Latino voters in large cities falsely claimed that Joe Biden “promised his party an African American Vice President. Not a Latino.”

The President’s Trumped-Up Claims of Voter Fraud

The President’s Trumped-Up Claims of Voter Fraud

We briefly recap the false, misleading and unsupported arguments that the president has made this year about the potential for voter fraud — starting with the case that he made for delaying the 2020 election.

NRSC’s Attack on Hickenlooper Lacks Proof, Context

NRSC’s Attack on Hickenlooper Lacks Proof, Context

A Republican TV ad strongly implies — without proof — that former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper accepted donations in exchange for not penalizing an oil and gas company involved in a fatal home explosion in 2017.

FactChecking Trump’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ Interview

FactChecking Trump’s ‘Fox News Sunday’ Interview

President Donald Trump’s extraordinary interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, who frequently fact-checked the president in real time, contained a long list of false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims.

Trump Distorts Biden’s Immigration Plans

Trump Distorts Biden’s Immigration Plans

In remarks in the White House Rose Garden on July 14, President Donald Trump falsely described many of the immigration recommendations drafted by allies of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his vanquished rival Sen. Bernie Sanders.

As Deaths Rise, Trump Sticks with Old Numbers

As Deaths Rise, Trump Sticks with Old Numbers

During his July 14 press conference from the White House Rose Garden, President Donald Trump made the outdated claim that U.S. deaths from COVID-19 are down “tenfold.”

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

Cherry-Picking Collins’ Prescription Drug Votes

A Democratic TV ad attacks Sen. Susan Collins for voting twice “to allow drug companies to keep cheaper generic drugs off the market,” but omits the fact that Collins has supported bills intended to increase generic-drug competition and lower prescription costs.