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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Super Bowl Ads from Trump and Bloomberg

Super Bowl Ads from Trump and Bloomberg

The campaigns of President Donald Trump and Democrat Mike Bloomberg have purchased airtime during the preeminent TV ad event of the year: the Super Bowl. Both scheduled spots make claims that require context or further explanation.

False Claim Ukraine Got Aid ‘Before Schedule’

False Claim Ukraine Got Aid ‘Before Schedule’

President Donald Trump, who last year froze hundreds of millions of dollars in security aid for Ukraine, claimed “they got all” of it “long before schedule.” That’s false. Congress had to grant an extension to ensure the government could spend all of that aid for Ukraine.

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

In the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses, there were fewer candidates — only six — but more than a few false, misleading and exaggerated claims.

FactChecking Trump’s Iran Address

FactChecking Trump’s Iran Address

In an address to the nation a day after an Iranian attack on military bases housing U.S. soldiers in Iraq, President Donald Trump made some dubious, misleading and inaccurate claims.

Pence Links Iran’s Soleimani to 9/11 Attacks

Pence Links Iran’s Soleimani to 9/11 Attacks

Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani “[a]ssisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan” of some of the terrorists who executed the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, that doesn’t mean that Iran, or Soleimani, knowingly aided al Qaeda in carrying out the attacks, which may be the impression some got from Pence’s tweet.

No Evidence Clinton Sent ‘Nooses’ Email to Brazile

No Evidence Clinton Sent ‘Nooses’ Email to Brazile

There is no evidence to support claims that Hillary Clinton sent fellow Democrat Donna Brazile a profane email in 2016, calling Donald Trump a “bastard” and saying “we’re all going to hang from nooses” if he wins the election.

The Whoppers of 2019

The Whoppers of 2019

Our compilation of the most egregious falsehoods of the year.