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Trump Misleads Rallygoers on IG Report, Impeachment

Trump Misleads Rallygoers on IG Report, Impeachment

During his first campaign rally after Democrats announced two articles of impeachment and the Justice Department inspector general released a report on the FBI’s Russia investigation, President Donald Trump distorted the facts on both topics.

Republicans Cherry-Pick Facts on Impeachment

Republicans Cherry-Pick Facts on Impeachment

As the House Judiciary Committee began public hearings on whether to draft and approve articles of impeachment, Republicans presented a set of facts that they claimed cleared President Donald Trump of any wrongdoing, providing an incomplete picture on what congressional testimony has revealed.

Warren Misleads on Her Kids’ Schooling

Warren Misleads on Her Kids’ Schooling

Sen. Elizabeth Warren misleadingly told a group of school-choice activists that her children “went to public schools,” not private ones. Warren’s campaign later clarified that her daughter attended public school, while her son mostly attended private school.

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

President Donald Trump called into “Fox & Friends” a day after the impeachment hearings ended and repeated false statements that have been debunked by fact-checkers and, in some cases, members of his own administration.

Trump Cherry-Picks Sondland Testimony

Trump Cherry-Picks Sondland Testimony

President Donald Trump said he “turned off the television” after Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified that the president told him in a phone call, “I want nothing [from Ukraine]. I want no quid pro quo.” But Sondland had a lot more to say than that.

Trump Spins Court Ruling on Trump Foundation

Trump Spins Court Ruling on Trump Foundation

President Trump downplayed the findings in a case against his namesake charitable foundation, claiming the judge had found only “some small technical violations.” Actually, the judge ruled that Trump “breached his fiduciary duty” to the Donald J. Trump Foundation in service of his 2016 presidential campaign.

Trump Ad Misleads on Illegal Immigration

Trump Ad Misleads on Illegal Immigration

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign makes the misleading claim in a TV ad that he is “cutting illegal immigration in half.” In fact, apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2019 were more than double the total in fiscal year 2016 and almost triple the total in fiscal year 2017.