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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

VA Could Fire Workers Before Trump Signed Law

VA Could Fire Workers Before Trump Signed Law

As President Donald Trump often tells it, the Department of Veterans Affairs could not fire unruly or underperforming employees before he signed a bill overhauling the agency’s procedures in 2017. He’s wrong about that.

Trump’s False Claims at NATO

Trump’s False Claims at NATO

At the NATO summit in Brussels, President Donald Trump made several false statements about the defense spending of the member countries.

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending

Trump Still Distorting NATO Spending

President Donald Trump continues to wrongly claim that the United States is paying as much as 90 percent of the cost of operating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Trump Wrong About Wisconsin Election Results

Trump Wrong About Wisconsin Election Results

President Donald Trump got his election history wrong when he said that Ronald Reagan lost Wisconsin, and that before his 2016 win, no GOP presidential candidate had won the state since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952.

Video: Rep. Ellison on Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’

Video: Rep. Ellison on Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’

This week’s video from CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org explains Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison’s tweet that the Supreme Court “ratified Donald Trump’s ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entry into the United States.”

Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’ Doesn’t Affect All Muslims

Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’ Doesn’t Affect All Muslims

Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison tweeted that the Supreme Court “ratified Donald Trump’s ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entry into the United States.” That is a Trump quote from the presidential campaign. But his actual executive actions didn’t go that far.

Video: Nielsen’s Policy Distortion

Video: Nielsen’s Policy Distortion

This video from CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org explains how Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen distorted the facts when she tweeted that the Trump administration does “not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.”

More Bogus Border Claims

More Bogus Border Claims

During the ongoing family-separation controversy, President Donald Trump and others have made false or misleading statements on several immigration issues.

Nielsen’s Rhetoric on Family Separations

Nielsen’s Rhetoric on Family Separations

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has resorted to a rhetorical sleight of hand in recent days to defend the Trump administration’s policy of separating families that illegally cross the border.

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

At a campaign rally in Nashville, President Donald Trump repeated a bushelful of false and misleading claims, and added a few new ones.