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Trump Blames Own Border Policy on Democrats

Trump Blames Own Border Policy on Democrats

President Donald Trump wrongly blamed Democrats for a Trump administration policy that will separate parents and their young children caught entering the U.S. illegally.

Morrisey Didn’t Deny West Virginians Trump

Morrisey Didn’t Deny West Virginians Trump

In the Republican Senate primary in West Virginia, a TV ad attacking West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey falsely claims that he “refused to support Trump over Hillary.”

Trump Wrong on Comey ‘Leak,’ McCabe Funds

Trump Wrong on Comey ‘Leak,’ McCabe Funds

President Donald Trump claimed a memo that former FBI Director James Comey gave to a friend “in order to get a special counsel against me” was “all classified … totally classified.” That’s wrong. It was unclassified at the time and remains unclassified.

Trump’s Amazon Attack

Trump’s Amazon Attack

In his latest attack on Amazon, President Donald Trump made some unsupported and distorted claims about the U.S. Postal Service and its relationship with the giant online retailer.

ATF Rulings on ‘Bump Stocks’

ATF Rulings on ‘Bump Stocks’

Q: Did the Obama administration legalize “bump stocks” for semiautomatic rifles?

A: No federal law explicitly addresses “bump stocks.” The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ruled 10 times between 2008 and 2017 that certain models could not be prohibited under existing gun laws.

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

After FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired, the president made several false and misleading claims about the Russia investigation in a series of tweets.

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton said that one of her goals as president would be to “make human exploration of Mars a reality.” Nevertheless, President Donald Trump mistakenly claimed that NASA “wouldn’t even be thinking about” going to Mars if Clinton had been elected.

The Gun Debate

The Gun Debate

Facts on background checks, concealed-carry laws, U.S. gun homicide rate, stolen guns

NRA Chief’s Bogus Background Check Claims

NRA Chief’s Bogus Background Check Claims

In a speech to conservatives, National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre distorted the facts when talking about the federal system for conducting background checks on prospective gun buyers.