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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s Misleading Defense of Son

Trump’s Misleading Defense of Son

President Donald Trump emphasized that an attorney who met with his eldest son in 2016 was a “Russian lawyer” and “not a [Russian] government lawyer.” That may be true, but Donald Trump Jr. had agreed to sit down with a “Russian government attorney,” according to his emails.

Obama Didn’t Scrap Officers’ Memorial Day

Obama Didn’t Scrap Officers’ Memorial Day

Q: Did President Trump reinstate National Peace Officers Memorial Day?

A: No. That claim was made in a fake news story that also falsely said the annual memorial for fallen officers was canceled by former President Obama.

Hollywood Strike Hoax

Hollywood Strike Hoax

Q: Did Hollywood celebrities threaten to strike until President Donald Trump resigns?

A: No. That story was made up by a “HYBRID site of news and satire.”

Bogus Bald Eagle Executive Order

Bogus Bald Eagle Executive Order

Q: Did President Trump sign an executive order making it legal to hunt bald eagles?
A: No. That bogus story was published by a fake news website.

Clinton Cargo Raid Didn’t Happen

Clinton Cargo Raid Didn’t Happen

Q: Were refugees, weapons and drugs found on a Clinton Foundation cargo ship?

A: No. That is yet another story from a prolific satirical website.

GOP Bill and Sexual Assault

GOP Bill and Sexual Assault

Q: Are sexual assault and rape preexisting conditions under the GOP health bill?

A: No. The bill doesn’t identify any preexisting conditions, and it says insurers can’t deny coverage to individuals who have them. But insurers could charge more for medical conditions in certain cases.

Republican Health Care Spin

Republican Health Care Spin

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and House Speaker Paul Ryan engaged in partisan spin in talking about the Republican health care bill that was passed by the House last week.

Russia’s Ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russia’s Ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses

Q: Did President Trump urge Jehovah’s Witnesses to seek asylum in the U.S. after the religious group was banned in Russia?

A: No. A fake news story attributed that statement to Trump.

Trump’s 100-Day Boasts

Trump’s 100-Day Boasts

President Donald Trump did a flurry of TV interviews and held a campaign-style rally to mark his first 100 days, and he left a trail of false, misleading and sometimes puzzling statements in his wake.

‘100-Day Action Plan’ Scorecard

‘100-Day Action Plan’ Scorecard

As a candidate, Donald Trump issued a “100-day action plan to Make America Great Again.” He has kept some of those promises, broken a few, and many are still a work in progress.