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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech

FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech

President Donald Trump made a triumphant return to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, where he made a lot of the same false and misleading claims we’ve been fact-checking for months.

Neil Gorsuch Didn’t Start Fascism Club

Neil Gorsuch Didn’t Start Fascism Club

Q: Did Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch start a fascism club in high school?

A: No. Gorsuch’s senior yearbook jokingly says that he was the founder and president of the “Fascism Forever Club” at Georgetown Preparatory School.

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

It’s Groundhog Day all right. But instead of seeing our shadows, we noticed politicians making some of the same false and misleading claims that we have written about several times before.

Ted Cruz on SCOTUS Vacancies

Ted Cruz on SCOTUS Vacancies

Sen. Ted Cruz said that “it has been 80 years since the Senate confirmed any judicial vacancy for the Supreme Court that occurred during a presidential election.” He’s (almost) right, but his claim lacks context.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

In his first press conference since July, President-elect Donald Trump repeated some false and misleading claims on jobs, health care and his tax returns.

Trump Errs in Reply to Streep

Trump Errs in Reply to Streep

On Twitter, President-elect Donald Trump falsely wrote that a reporter “totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad.” As we have written before, the reporter never changed his story about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Plane Crew Didn’t Rebuff Obama

Plane Crew Didn’t Rebuff Obama

Q: Did the crew of Air Force One refuse to fly President Obama to play golf?

A: No. It’s a fake news story specifically targeting “conservative readers.”

A Fake Mike Pence Quote

A Fake Mike Pence Quote

Q: Did Mike Pence call Michelle Obama “the most vulgar first lady we’ve ever had”?

A: No. That is a made-up quote and story from a self-described “news/satire” website.

Trump’s Campaign-Style Exaggerations

Trump’s Campaign-Style Exaggerations

President-elect Donald Trump kicked off his “victory tour” in Cincinnati, delivering a campaign-style speech that contained campaign-style exaggerations.