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Lawyers Group Not ‘Pro-Mexican’

Lawyers Group Not ‘Pro-Mexican’

Donald Trump claimed that a federal judge presiding over a civil lawsuit against Trump University is a “member of a club or society very strongly pro-Mexican.” That’s an inaccurate description of a group for Latino lawyers and law students in San Diego.

Obama Oversells U.S. Economy

Obama Oversells U.S. Economy

In a recent speech, President Obama criticized Republicans for making claims about the economy and health care that are “not supported by the facts.” But Obama resorted to some spin of his own.

Trump ‘Wants to Abolish VA’?

Trump ‘Wants to Abolish VA’?

Hillary Clinton claimed that she “read” that Donald Trump “said he wants to … abolish the VA.” That’s the opposite of what Trump has said.

What’s Trump’s Position on NATO?

What’s Trump’s Position on NATO?

Hillary Clinton went too far when she claimed that Donald Trump said “we should pull out of NATO.” Trump said that he would “certainly look at” pulling the U.S. out of NATO, because it is “obsolete” and “is costing us a fortune.”

Hillary Clinton Wasn’t a ‘Birther’

Hillary Clinton Wasn’t a ‘Birther’

Donald Trump again has repeated the false claim that Hillary Clinton “started” the so-called “birther” movement against Barack Obama in 2008.

Overstating Lincoln’s Convention Comeback

Overstating Lincoln’s Convention Comeback

John Kasich said, “I think old honest Abe went into the convention either third or fourth and came out the winner.” No. Abraham Lincoln started with the second most delegates at the 1860 Republican convention.

Sanders Adviser Makes False Claim

Sanders Adviser Makes False Claim

A senior adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders said that Sanders’ presidential campaign has “never” used Hillary Clinton’s “image or her name in an ad.” That’s false.

Soros Not Funding Kasich PAC

Soros Not Funding Kasich PAC

A TV ad that falsely claimed that Democratic donor George Soros gave “hundreds of thousands of dollars” to Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich has been revised. But the ad now uses guilt by association to link Kasich to Soros.

Trump Repeats Debunked Deficit Claim

Trump Repeats Debunked Deficit Claim

Donald Trump continues to say that Wisconsin has a budget deficit of $2.2 billion. It didn’t last year when he made the same claim, and it doesn’t this year, either.