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Christie PAC Wrong About Gitmo

Christie PAC Wrong About Gitmo

A TV ad from a pro-Chris Christie super PAC shows the New Jersey governor saying, “30 percent of the people the president has released from Guantanamo have gone back in the terrorism business.” That’s way off.

Ted Cruz on Deportations

Ted Cruz on Deportations

Sen. Ted Cruz claimed at the Dec. 15 Republican presidential debate that 12 million people were deported under President Clinton and 10 million people under George W. Bush. But those figures are inflated.

Cruz Attacks Rubio on Refugees

Cruz Attacks Rubio on Refugees

Sen. Ted Cruz falsely claims the 2013 immigration bill Sen. Marco Rubio co-sponsored “would have dramatically expanded President Obama’s authority to admit Syrian refugees with no background checks whatsoever,” making it “easier to bring Syrian Muslim refugees” to the U.S.

Sanders’ Support for Syrian Refugees

Sanders’ Support for Syrian Refugees

Businessman Donald Trump claimed that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he wants to bring 65,000 Syrian refugees to the United States. Trump is wrong. Sanders didn’t say that.

Hillary Clinton on Gun Deaths

Hillary Clinton on Gun Deaths

Q: Have 3,000 people been killed by guns in the U.S. in one month, from Oct. 13 to Nov. 14, 2015?
A: Comprehensive data aren’t available yet. The figures cited by Hillary Clinton during a Democratic debate are an extrapolation based on past years.

Senators Missing Votes

Senators Missing Votes

Q: Did Barack Obama and John Kerry miss 60 percent to 70 percent of their Senate votes while running for president, as Marco Rubio claimed?
A: Yes. Obama missed more than 64 percent of votes in 2008, and Kerry missed even more — nearly 90 percent — in 2004.

Ben Carson on Nonprofit Failures

Ben Carson on Nonprofit Failures

Ben Carson said “9 out of 10 nonprofits fail.” Yet data on nonprofits show that half of the organizations that received their tax-exempt status 20 years ago were still considered active by the IRS in 2015.

Carson on Border Apprehensions

Carson on Border Apprehensions

Ben Carson said that “a lot” of the people captured crossing the U.S. border and then released are from Iraq, Somalia and Russia. He’s wrong. Federal statistics show that number is less than 1 percent.

Fiorina’s Unsupported Claim about VA Deaths

Fiorina’s Unsupported Claim about VA Deaths

Carly Fiorina has said 307,000 veterans have died while waiting for care from the Veterans Health Administration. In one instance, she said all of those veterans “died in the last year,” citing a recent inspector general’s report. But that’s not what the report says.

Planned Parenthood’s Services

Planned Parenthood’s Services

Congressional Republicans have made versions of the claim that abortions make up 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s “pregnancy services.” That misleading figure only counts certain direct services to pregnant clients.