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Obama and Cruz Clash on Immigration

Obama and Cruz Clash on Immigration

President Obama and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made seemingly conflicting statements about public opinion on the president’s plan to address immigration issues in the U.S.

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

GOP Whacks Weiland Over Payroll Taxes

A Republican TV ad says Senate candidate Rick Weiland is going across South Dakota saying “he’s one of us” when “Weiland supports higher payroll taxes.” Not for all, he doesn’t.

Jenkins Ads Mislead on Carbon Tax, Coal

Jenkins Ads Mislead on Carbon Tax, Coal

Two highly misleading ads from Republican Evan Jenkins leave the false impression that Rep. Nick Rahall is responsible for higher electric rates and personally profited from his votes in Congress.

Double Whopper Against King

Double Whopper Against King

A TV ad from Democrat Jim Mowrer claims Iowa Rep. Steve King “did vote to raise his own pay by $20,000 a year and take perks like free health care for life.” That’s a double whopper.

Ernst and ‘Privatizing’ Social Security

Ernst and ‘Privatizing’ Social Security

Democratic TV ads in Iowa have repeatedly misrepresented Republican Joni Ernst’s position on Social Security, claiming she “would privatize Social Security” or that she has “proposed privatizing Social Security.”

Perdue Distorts Nunn Campaign Memo

Perdue Distorts Nunn Campaign Memo

Republican David Perdue says in a TV ad that Michelle Nunn, his opponent in the Georgia Senate race, “admits she’s too liberal” and that “her foundation gave money to organizations linked to terrorists.” Not exactly.

NRCC, Again, Cherry-picks Data

NRCC, Again, Cherry-picks Data

The National Republican Congressional Committee once again uses selective evidence to attack a congressman for supporting President Obama. This time, the target is Democratic Rep. Nick Rahall of West Virginia.

Attacking Rick Allen’s Government Contracts

Attacking Rick Allen’s Government Contracts

A Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee TV ad relies on innuendo and omission to accuse Georgia Republican Rick Allen of making “insider deals” to get government contracts at taxpayer expense.