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Stories by D'Angelo Gore
Staff Writer,
A False Claim of a Medicare Change
Simpson’s TARP Turnabout
Hagel Shifts Sequester Blame to Congress
More Than 9 Million Newly Insured
Senate Conservatives Fund/Senate Conservatives Action
Conservative PACs aiming to elect “true” conservatives to Congress and defeat incumbent Republicans that fall short of that standard.
Congressional Leadership Fund
A super PAC focused on maintaining and expanding the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.
Michelle Obama and CGI Federal
Q: Does a college classmate of Michelle Obama work for CGI Federal? Did that company receive a no-bid contract to build the website?
A: Toni Townes-Whitley, a senior vice president at CGI, and Obama graduated from Princeton University in 1985. However, company and government officials say the contract was awarded through a competitive bidding process.