Q: Is Russia providing 15,000 troops to help the Federal Emergency Management Agency provide security for the U.S.?
A: No. A renewed agreement between the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and FEMA only allows for the exchanging of emergency management experts, not security or military personnel.
Stories by D'Angelo Gore
Staff Writer, FactCheck.org
Spinning Obama’s Climate Change Plan
Cherry-Picking McConnell’s Pay Raise Votes
A Botched Attack on IRS Budget
A False Claim of Blame in Mass. Senate Race
IRS Not So ‘Independent’
Court-Martialed for Sharing Religious Faith?
Q: Has the Pentagon recently declared that sharing one’s faith is punishable by court-martial?
A: No. The Pentagon merely restated its long-held policy that military members can “share their faith (evangelize)” but “not force unwanted, intrusive attempts to convert others … to one’s beliefs (proselytization).”
FactCheck’s ‘People’s Voice’ Victory
We would like to thank you, our loyal readers, for making us the 2013 Webby People’s Voice Winner in the politics category. Our win this year marks the sixth time that your votes have made us the recipient of a Webby Award, which honors excellence on the Internet. And, as always, we are grateful for your support.