Stories by Eugene Kiely
Santorum Wrong on Abortion, Birth Facts
Rick Santorum incorrectly stated that “one in three pregnancies end in abortion” in the United States. It’s actually fewer than one in four.
Santorum appeared on a New Hampshire radio talk show, blaming abortions for “causing Social Security and Medicare to be underfunded.” But he not only misstated the abortion statistic, he also got it wrong when he said that “our birthrate is now below replacement rate for the first time in our history.” The total fertility rate,
GOP Exaggerations in Iowa
Several Republicans testing the presidential waters in Iowa made more than a few statements that we found all wet. Among the dubious claims …
Obama on War, Then and Now
President Barack Obama stuck to the facts in his speech on Libya, but as others have pointed out, he has flip-flopped on the fundamental question of whether he needed congressional approval for military intervention.
Also, Obama sought in his address to minimize the military costs to the United States by saying NATO will now take the lead. But the fact is that the United States pays the largest share of NATO’s budget — one of a couple of key omissions by the president.
March 25: Congressional Pay, Oil Production
Is Obama to Blame for $4 Gasoline?
Conflicting, false and misleading statements on oil production and gasoline prices have become the currency of politicians lately, as oil tops $100 per barrel and gasoline hovers near $4 per gallon. Among some of the claims that got our attention …
March 18: Oil Imports, Joblessness, Foreign Aid
This Could Be You
Our “Spotlight” feature is designed to give credit to those who help us hold politicians accountable. So, watch this spot.
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March 11: Health Care, WI Tax Cuts, Crossroads GPS
No Secret: Bachmann Gets It Wrong
Rep. Michele Bachmann's claim that Democrats "secretly" hid $105 billion in health care spending is way off base. It's true that the new health care law contains many billions in future spending, but there was no secret about that.
The Minnesota Republican told "Meet the Press" host David Gregory that "secretly, unbeknownst to members of Congress, over $105 billion was hidden in the Obamacare legislation to fund the implementation of Obamacare." But the truth is that much,