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FactChecking Clinton’s Voter Suppression Claims

FactChecking Clinton’s Voter Suppression Claims

In remarks in Alabama, Hillary Clinton took aim at state laws that she said disenfranchise minority voters. But she went too far in a couple of instances when discussing the impact of Wisconsin and Georgia laws in the 2016 election, when she ran for president.

Old and New Claims in Trump’s CPAC Address

Old and New Claims in Trump’s CPAC Address

In a two-hour address to the Conservative Political Action Conference on March 2, President Donald Trump made questionable and false claims about the fight against ISIS, tariffs and African American income. He also repeated a bevy of claims we’ve debunked before.

Video: Cohen vs. Trump

Video: Cohen vs. Trump

Our latest collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper is on Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony and instances where he contradicted past statements made by President Donald Trump. 

Cohen, Trump at Odds

Cohen, Trump at Odds

Here we lay out the conflicting accounts of what Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney, told the House Committee on Oversight and Reform at the Feb. 27 hearing, and what the president has said in the past.

Video: National Emergency Spin

Video: National Emergency Spin

In this video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines claims made by both sides about President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the border. 

FactChecking Trump’s National Emergency Remarks

FactChecking Trump’s National Emergency Remarks

In declaring a national emergency at the Southwest border, President Donald Trump strung together a long list of false, misleading and unsupported claims on illegal immigration, drug smuggling, human trafficking, trade deficits and other issues.

FactChecking Trump’s El Paso Rally

FactChecking Trump’s El Paso Rally

The president’s falsehoods on El Paso crime continued, and he misled the crowd on the trade deficit and South Korea’s contribution to U.S. military costs.

Kamala Harris Mistweet on ‘Tax Hike’

Kamala Harris Mistweet on ‘Tax Hike’

Sen. Kamala Harris, a declared candidate for president, cited preliminary IRS tax refund data for 2018 to criticize the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as “a middle-class tax hike.” That’s a misreading of the data.