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Trump Distorts Facts on Agricultural Trade

Trump Distorts Facts on Agricultural Trade

In a Fox Business interview, President Donald Trump singled out trade barriers as a reason for five “very bad years” for U.S. farmers. But agricultural economists blame low farm commodity prices — not trade barriers.

More Bogus Border Claims

More Bogus Border Claims

During the ongoing family-separation controversy, President Donald Trump and others have made false or misleading statements on several immigration issues.

Video: U.S.-Canada Trade

Video: U.S.-Canada Trade

In this week’s video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews President Donald Trump’s claim that the U.S. trade deficit with Canada is “close to $100 billion a year.” It’s not.

FactChecking Trump’s Energy Boasts

FactChecking Trump’s Energy Boasts

At a meeting on hurricane preparedness, President Donald Trump took credit for U.S. energy production milestones that have been expected for years, and misstated the facts in the process.

A Timeline of Trump Tower Meeting Responses

A Timeline of Trump Tower Meeting Responses

In a recently disclosed letter, President Donald Trump’s attorneys said the president “dictated” his son’s statement to the New York Times about a June 2016 meeting between top Trump campaign aides and a Russian lawyer. That contradicts earlier claims by Trump’s representatives.

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

FactChecking Trump’s Nashville Rally

At a campaign rally in Nashville, President Donald Trump repeated a bushelful of false and misleading claims, and added a few new ones.

Video: Trump on ‘Breaking Up’ Families

Video: Trump on ‘Breaking Up’ Families

CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org review President Trump’s claim that immigration officials “have to break up families” caught crossing the border illegally because of “bad laws that the Democrats gave us.” 

Trump’s Misleading L.A. Story

Trump’s Misleading L.A. Story

President Donald Trump claimed that federal immigration officials asked the Los Angeles Police Department in January to detain an “illegal immigrant,” but the police “let him go, and he killed somebody.” That’s not how it happened.

Trump Misquotes Clapper on FBI ‘Spy’

Trump Misquotes Clapper on FBI ‘Spy’

In a morning tweetstorm on the Russia investigation, President Donald Trump misquoted James Clapper. Trump claimed the former intelligence director said, “Trump should be happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign,” when, in fact, Clapper said the FBI did not spy on his campaign.