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Durbin Wrong on ‘Trump Democrats’

Durbin Wrong on ‘Trump Democrats’

Sen. Dick Durbin wrongly claimed that “30 percent of the people who voted for Donald Trump had voted for President Obama.” Two reports place the figure at about 9 percent.

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

After FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired, the president made several false and misleading claims about the Russia investigation in a series of tweets.

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

In making his case for renegotiating NAFTA, President Donald Trump told GOP donors that the U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada — but only because the trade balance “doesn’t include energy and timber.” That’s false.

FactChecking Trump’s MAGA Rally

FactChecking Trump’s MAGA Rally

In a campaign speech supporting the Republican candidate in a special House election in Pennsylvania’s 18th District, President Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements on a range of topics, from drug smuggling to the stock market.

The Gun Debate

The Gun Debate

Facts on background checks, concealed-carry laws, U.S. gun homicide rate, stolen guns

Trump’s Misleading Gun Rhetoric

Trump’s Misleading Gun Rhetoric

In a bipartisan meeting with members of Congress, President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims about his predecessors’ actions on gun control legislation and shootings in “gun-free zones.”

Trump’s Spin on Democratic Memo

Trump’s Spin on Democratic Memo

The Republicans and Democrats on the House intelligence committee have now released competing memos on how the FBI and Department of Justice obtained court approval for surveillance of Carter Page, a former adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

NRA Chief’s Bogus Background Check Claims

NRA Chief’s Bogus Background Check Claims

In a speech to conservatives, National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre distorted the facts when talking about the federal system for conducting background checks on prospective gun buyers.

In His Own Words: Trump on Russian Meddling

In His Own Words: Trump on Russian Meddling

In a tweet about Russia’s interference in the 2016 president campaign, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that he “never said Russia did not meddle in the election.”