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Tax Cut Ad Lacks Context

Tax Cut Ad Lacks Context

A TV ad by a coalition of liberal groups leaves the false impression that 47 million “middle-class” households would be “stuck with the tab” for Republican tax cuts that benefit the wealthy. The 47 million figure refers to all households — not just the “middle class.”

GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan

Leaders in both parties make false and misleading claims about the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax cut plan.

Was Papadopoulos a ‘Low-Level Volunteer’?

Was Papadopoulos a ‘Low-Level Volunteer’?

President Donald Trump described George Papadopoulos — a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who has pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents — as a “low-level volunteer.” He was, however, in contact with senior members of the Trump campaign about Russia.

False Statements on Russia

False Statements on Russia

There have been several instances in which Trump administration and campaign officials have made public statements about issues concerning Russia that turned out not to be true.

The Facts on Uranium One

The Facts on Uranium One

Two House committees have said that they will investigate the Obama administration’s approval of a deal that gave Russia a financial interest in U.S. uranium production. We covered the issue during the 2016 presidential campaign. We’ll recap here what we know – and don’t know — about the 2010 deal.

Trump on Unemployment Claims

Trump on Unemployment Claims

President Donald Trump boasted that unemployment claims fell to their lowest level since 1973. He’s right, but it’s part of a post-recession trend that began long before he took office.

Cruz on Social Security as a ‘Ponzi Scheme’

Cruz on Social Security as a ‘Ponzi Scheme’

In a televised debate on taxes, Sen. Ted Cruz denied that he ever called Social Security a “Ponzi scheme.” But in a 2011 interview, Cruz gave the definition of a “Ponzi scheme” and said, “That is exactly how Social Security operates.”

Video: FactChecking Virginia Race

Video: FactChecking Virginia Race

In a segment that appeared on NBC4 in Washington, D.C., FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discusses TV ads in the Virginia governor’s race that criticize Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam for his role on a state economic development board.

Trump on Iran’s ‘Multiple Violations’

Trump on Iran’s ‘Multiple Violations’

In refusing to certify the Iran nuclear deal, President Donald Trump said Iran “has committed multiple violations of the agreement.” But that’s not the finding of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Video: Cost-Sharing Subsidies

Video: Cost-Sharing Subsidies

The Department of Health and Human Services has announced it will “immediately” stop making payments that help low-income people pay for out-of-pocket health care expenses. In this video, we explain more about the cost-sharing subsidy program.