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Kaine Misleads on Weinstein’s Donations

Kaine Misleads on Weinstein’s Donations

Asked if the Clinton-Kaine campaign will return contributions it received from movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Sen. Tim Kaine repeatedly said the campaign is over. That’s true, but it doesn’t mean the campaign can’t refund donations.

Gun Control in Australia, Updated

Gun Control in Australia, Updated

In 2009, we wrote an Ask FactCheck item for readers who wanted to know, “Did gun control in Australia lead to more murders there last year?” The answer at the time was “no,” and that’s still the case.

Fake Letterman Story on Vegas Shooting

Fake Letterman Story on Vegas Shooting

Q: Did comedian David Letterman respond to the mass shooting in Las Vegas by tweeting, “End white privilege today”?

A: No. A website that claims to be a safe haven from “fake news” posted that bogus information based on a tweet from a parody Twitter account.

World Opinion of Trump and U.S.

World Opinion of Trump and U.S.

At a campaign rally in Alabama, President Donald Trump said “the world is starting to respect the United States of America again.” Surveys suggest otherwise.

What ‘China’ Ads in Virginia Race Omit

What ‘China’ Ads in Virginia Race Omit

Television ads in the Virginia governor’s race criticize Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam for his role on a state economic development board. But there is less here than meets the eye.

Revisiting Trump’s Wiretap Tweets

Revisiting Trump’s Wiretap Tweets

CNN’s report that federal investigators “wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort” has prompted some readers to ask why we don’t “correct” our March 6 article “Examining Trump’s Wiretap Claim.” Simply put, there is nothing to correct at this time.

Trump’s U.N. Speech

Trump’s U.N. Speech

The president made misleading boasts about his record on the economy and foreign issues.

Trump’s Tax Plan and ‘the Rich’

Trump’s Tax Plan and ‘the Rich’

In promoting his plan to overhaul of the nation’s tax system, President Donald Trump claimed “the rich will not be gaining at all with this plan.” But the tax proposal his administration outlined in April would heavily benefit high-income taxpayers, and Trump hasn’t revealed any changes to it.

Explaining McCain’s Defense ‘Cut’

Explaining McCain’s Defense ‘Cut’

Sen. John McCain says the budget deal President Donald Trump reached with Democratic leaders “basically freezes last year’s funding in place, which is a cut of $52 billion” in defense spending. In fact, the deal doesn’t cut the defense budget at all.