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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Spinning the Facts on DACA

Spinning the Facts on DACA

In rescinding the Obama-era Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program, Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ selective use of facts leaves a misleading impression of the program.

Will Trump’s Wall Stop Drug Smuggling?

Will Trump’s Wall Stop Drug Smuggling?

President Donald Trump says that his proposed wall along the Mexico border “will stop much of the drugs from pouring into this country.” We cannot predict the future, but the fact is that most illicit drugs pass undetected through legal ports of entry.

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

Trump’s Phoenix Fiction

The president revises history, exaggerates accomplishments and makes false claims.

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities’

Trump’s Hollow Claim about ‘Inner Cities’

President Donald Trump claimed that his administration is “spending a lot of money on the inner cities.” But there has been little change in spending so far, and his first budget proposes to cut or eliminate funding for some programs that benefit cities.

Trump Press Conference, in Context

Trump Press Conference, in Context

President Trump answered critics who said he waited too long to condemn the white nationalists who staged a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia that turned violent. We put into context some of his statements.

Pompeo Distorts China’s Nuclear Policy

Pompeo Distorts China’s Nuclear Policy

CIA Director Mike Pompeo misrepresented the facts when he suggested the Trump administration was responsible for changing China’s policy on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

Trump Misfires on Nuclear Weapons Boast

Trump Misfires on Nuclear Weapons Boast

A day after he threatened North Korea with “fire and fury,” President Donald Trump distorted the facts when he boasted that his “first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal” and “it is now far stronger and more powerful than ever.”

‘Buy America’ Spin

‘Buy America’ Spin

Sen. Tammy Baldwin goes too far when she says U.S. steelworkers were “left behind” last year by Republican leaders who killed her “buy America” bill.

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

FactChecking Trump’s West Virginia Rally

At a rally in West Virginia, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that his administration is “bringing back to America” manufacturing jobs “by the hundreds of thousands.”