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Trump’s Border Boast

Trump’s Border Boast

Boasting about a decline in apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border on his watch, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that border apprehensions “didn’t go down” under “past administrations.” Actually, they declined in 10 of the last 16 fiscal years.

FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

FactChecking Trump’s Rally in Ohio

President Donald Trump’s latest campaign-style rally was in Youngstown, Ohio, where the president made some false and misleading claims about military spending, immigrants and job creation.

Trump and Transgender Service Members

Trump and Transgender Service Members

President Donald Trump cited “the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.” Whether the cost is “tremendous” is opinion, but a government-funded report found that allowing transgender people to openly serve in the military would likely have a “marginal impact” on health care costs and military readiness.

Hoyer Revisits Mike Pence’s Emails

Hoyer Revisits Mike Pence’s Emails

Rep. Steny Hoyer wrongly claimed that Vice President Mike Pence “used a private server when he was governor of Indiana.” Pence did use a personal AOL account for some government business, but he did not have a “private server.”

Trump’s Power to Pardon

Trump’s Power to Pardon

President Donald Trump tweeted that “all agree the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon.” It’s true that the president has the constitutional power to issue pardons, but there are some limits to that power.

Trump Spins Putin Dinner Conversation

Trump Spins Putin Dinner Conversation

In his latest attack on the media, President Donald Trump gave a misleading account of news reports regarding a previously undisclosed second conversation that he had had with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 summit.

Trump Misleads on Russia Hacking

Trump Misleads on Russia Hacking

On the eve of his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump made some questionable claims about the U.S. intelligence community’s finding that Russia hacked into U.S. political organizations to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Video: Both Sides Spin CBO Numbers

Video: Both Sides Spin CBO Numbers

In this week’s video with FactCheck.org, CNN’s Jake Tapper looks at how members of both parties are spinning the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of how many people will be insured under the Senate health care bill.

More MS-13 Gang Nonsense

More MS-13 Gang Nonsense

President Donald Trump is once again grossly exaggerating the success of his efforts to deport members of the MS-13, a gang founded by El Salvadoran immigrants.