President Donald Trump boasted that unemployment claims fell to their lowest level since 1973. He’s right, but it’s part of a post-recession trend that began long before he took office.
In a televised debate on taxes, Sen. Ted Cruz denied that he ever called Social Security a “Ponzi scheme.” But in a 2011 interview, Cruz gave the definition of a “Ponzi scheme” and said, “That is exactly how Social Security operates.”
In a segment that appeared on NBC4 in Washington, D.C., Director Eugene Kiely discusses TV ads in the Virginia governor’s race that criticize Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam for his role on a state economic development board.
In refusing to certify the Iran nuclear deal, President Donald Trump said Iran “has committed multiple violations of the agreement.” But that’s not the finding of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The Department of Health and Human Services has announced it will “immediately” stop making payments that help low-income people pay for out-of-pocket health care expenses. In this video, we explain more about the cost-sharing subsidy program.
Asked if the Clinton-Kaine campaign will return contributions it received from movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Sen. Tim Kaine repeatedly said the campaign is over. That’s true, but it doesn’t mean the campaign can’t refund donations.
In 2009, we wrote an Ask FactCheck item for readers who wanted to know, “Did gun control in Australia lead to more murders there last year?” The answer at the time was “no,” and that’s still the case.
At a campaign rally in Alabama, President Donald Trump said “the world is starting to respect the United States of America again.” Surveys suggest otherwise.