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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Trump’s False Obama-ISIS Link

Donald Trump claims that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “founded ISIS.” But the origin of the Islamic State terrorist group dates back to the Bush administration.

Clinton’s Economic Speech

Clinton’s Economic Speech

Two days after Donald Trump gave a major speech on economics in Detroit, Hillary Clinton came to Michigan to offer a rebuttal. We found that Clinton stretched the facts on a few points.

Trump’s Baseless Claim on Iranian Execution

Trump’s Baseless Claim on Iranian Execution

Donald Trump speculates that Shahram Amiri — an Iranian nuclear scientist who defected to the U.S. and reportedly became a CIA spy — was executed in Iran recently “because of Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails.” There is no evidence of that.

Trump’s Economic Speech

Trump’s Economic Speech

Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements in a speech at the Detroit Economic Club on Aug. 8.

Spinning Clinton’s Emails (Again)

Spinning Clinton’s Emails (Again)

Rep. Xavier Becerra claimed that FBI Director James Comey testified that Hillary Clinton “had no knowledge” of sending and receiving classified emails on her private server as secretary of state. That’s not what Comey said.

Video: FactChecking Clinton’s Speech

Video: FactChecking Clinton’s Speech

The last of our daily fact-checking videos from the political conventions focuses on Hillary Clinton’s speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

FactChecking the Democratic Convention

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discusses some of the false and misleading claims at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Video: Day 2 of DNC Convention

Video: Day 2 of DNC Convention

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discusses our fact-checking of the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.