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Obama on Access to Guns

Obama on Access to Guns

President Obama said “it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book.” But the White House couldn’t provide anything more than anecdotal evidence to support his claim.

Killed in the Line of Duty

Killed in the Line of Duty

Donald Trump says there has been “a substantial rise in the number of officers killed in the line of duty — a very big rise.” There has been an increase in firearms-related deaths in the last six months compared to a year ago. But the number of police fatalities has substantially declined in recent years.

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

Revisiting Clinton and Classified Information

On July 5, FBI Director James Comey said a “very small number” of emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton over her private server “bore markings indicating the presence of classified information.” We are now learning more about those emails.

Clinton’s Handling of Classified Information

Clinton’s Handling of Classified Information

An FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information resulted in no criminal charges, but it revealed that Clinton and her campaign made past statements that have turned out to be false or misleading.

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

Now that the last of the Benghazi reports have been issued, we look at some key public and private statements made by Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department following the 2012 attacks, which resulted in the loss of four Americans.

‘What Evidence Do You Have?’

‘What Evidence Do You Have?’

It’s a simple question, one that we ask candidates, campaigns and political committees all the time: “What evidence do you have?” It’s a question that needs to be asked more often by TV news anchors, as NBC’s Lester Holt did in his interview with Donald Trump.

Clinton’s Equal Pay Claim

Clinton’s Equal Pay Claim

Hillary Clinton claims that Donald Trump said “women will start making equal pay as soon as we do as good a job as men.” But that’s not exactly what he said. Trump does not support equal pay legislation, but he has said that he believes in paying people based on performance, not gender.

Suspected Terrorists and Guns

Suspected Terrorists and Guns

The mass shooting in Orlando by a man who pledged allegiance to the terrorist Islamic State has reignited a debate in Washington over suspected terrorists’ access to guns in the U.S. But we find fault with some of the claims made by both sides.

NRA’s Baseless FBI Claim

NRA’s Baseless FBI Claim

The National Rifle Association executive director claimed — without offering any evidence — that the FBI was prevented from fully investigating Omar Mateen prior to his attack in Orlando because of “the Obama administration’s political correctness.”