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Trump Wrong on Iran, Polling

Trump Wrong on Iran, Polling

Donald Trump made two false statements on ABC’s “This Week” while discussing foreign policy and the Republican presidential primary.

Cruz Loans Not ‘Transparent’

Cruz Loans Not ‘Transparent’

Sen. Ted Cruz said “all of the information” about large bank loans he received to help finance his 2012 Senate campaign “has been public and transparent for many years.” But the loans were not transparent.

Clinton’s Misleading Ad on Drug Prices

Clinton’s Misleading Ad on Drug Prices

A Hillary Clinton TV ad claims that “in the last seven years drug prices have doubled.” A report, provided by her campaign, says brand-name drug prices on average have more than doubled. But more than 80 percent of filled prescriptions are generic drugs.

Kasich’s Misleading Attack on Christie

Kasich’s Misleading Attack on Christie

Ohio Gov. John Kasich took a swipe at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s governance, saying “we have a balanced budget” but “they don’t over in New Jersey.” The state constitution requires New Jersey to have a balanced budget, and it does.

Americans on Terrorist Watch Lists

Americans on Terrorist Watch Lists

This week’s fact-checking video by CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews Sen. Marco Rubio’s claim about the U.S. government’s terrorist watch lists.

Ted Kennedy and the No-Fly List Myth

Ted Kennedy and the No-Fly List Myth

Several Republican presidential candidates cite Ted Kennedy as a reason why they oppose President Obama’s proposal to block the sale of guns to known or suspected terrorists on the no-fly list. But the TSA says it’s a “myth” that Kennedy was on the no-fly list.

Rubio Wrong on Terrorist List

Rubio Wrong on Terrorist List

Sen. Marco Rubio vastly overstated the number of Americans on government terrorist watch lists. He said there are “700,000 Americans on some watch list,” but the number is actually in the tens of thousands.