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Bill Clinton’s Economic Exaggerations

Bill Clinton’s Economic Exaggerations

Former President Bill Clinton — who will be called upon to help revitalize the U.S. economy if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency — made two inaccurate economic claims in a recent speech in Kentucky.

Harry Reid’s Wild Exaggerations

Harry Reid’s Wild Exaggerations

In a floor speech, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid made some wildly exaggerated claims about Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Clinton Still Spinning Emails

Clinton Still Spinning Emails

Hillary Clinton once again made the claim that using a private email account and server while secretary of state was “absolutely permitted.” That’s pure spin.

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

Trump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance

Donald Trump distorts the facts when he says “Hillary Clinton wants to take your guns away” and “abolish the Second Amendment.” Clinton’s gun violence prevention proposal would impose restrictions, but it does not call for banning all guns.

Trump’s Education Exaggeration

Trump’s Education Exaggeration

Donald Trump claimed in an Indiana speech that the U.S. ranks “last in education” and “first in terms of spending per pupil” among 30 countries. He’s wrong on both counts, as measured by federal and international organizations.

Clinton Overstates Nuclear Achievement

Clinton Overstates Nuclear Achievement

Hillary Clinton overstates the impact of a 2011 nuclear agreement with Russia in a TV ad that says she was responsible for “securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons.”

Ted Cruz an ‘Outsider’ Like Sanders?

Ted Cruz an ‘Outsider’ Like Sanders?

Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that he and Sen. Bernie Sanders are “outsiders” who “don’t find our fuel in bundlers and special interests. But rather directly from the people.” But Cruz’s comparison to Sanders is a bit of a stretch.

Cruz’s Gun Control Deception

Cruz’s Gun Control Deception

Sen. Ted Cruz distorted the facts in saying that Washington, D.C., and Chicago “for years” have been “right at the top of murder rates,” and claiming that most “jurisdictions with the worst murder rates” have “the very strictest gun control laws.”

Sanders Evades Tax Question

Sanders Evades Tax Question

When asked about releasing his “full” federal tax returns, Sen. Bernie Sanders insisted that “we have released them in the past.” But Sanders has released only his 1040 form, a two-page summary of his federal returns, not his full returns.