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More Spin on Clinton Emails

More Spin on Clinton Emails

Hillary Clinton directly addressed questions in recent interviews about her exclusive use of a personal email account and server to conduct government business as secretary of state. But her answers only reveal part of the story.

Walker’s Economic Spin

Walker’s Economic Spin

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican candidate for president, strained the facts when he compared his state’s economic performance with that of the United States.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump’s recent press conference garnered a lot of media attention for his put downs of two high-profile journalists, but he didn’t treat the facts much better.

Huckabee’s Spin on Iran

Huckabee’s Spin on Iran

In arguing against the Iran nuclear deal, Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee spins the facts.

Clinton’s Email Brag

Clinton’s Email Brag

Hillary Clinton gave an odd — and factually inaccurate — account of how the controversy over her email habits as secretary of state mushroomed into a public spectacle.

Bush, Clinton Play Blame Game in Iraq

Bush, Clinton Play Blame Game in Iraq

Who’s responsible for withdrawing all U.S. combat troops from Iraq at the end of 2011? Jeb Bush says President Obama is to blame, while Hillary Clinton’s campaign says President George W. Bush signed the agreement that set the withdrawal date.

First GOP Presidential Primary Debate

FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discussed the first Republican presidential primary debate in an Aug. 7 interview with WCBS radio host Wayne Cabot.