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Clinton’s Charter School Exaggeration

Clinton’s Charter School Exaggeration

Hillary Clinton says “most charter schools … don’t take the hardest-to-teach kids. Or if they do, they don’t keep them.” But her campaign could not provide evidence for such a sweeping claim.

Rand Paul on Income Inequality

Rand Paul on Income Inequality

Sen. Rand Paul claimed that “income inequality seems to be the worst” in the cities and states “run by Democrats.” Paul is right about the cities, but not states. More important, there’s no evidence of a link between Democratic control and income inequality.

O’Malley’s Economic Talking Point

O’Malley’s Economic Talking Point

Martin O’Malley often says Maryland earned or achieved “the highest median income of any state in America” when he was governor. In fact, Maryland had the highest median household income before O’Malley became governor.

Benghazi Hearing: What’s New?

Benghazi Hearing: What’s New?

Republican and Democratic members of the House Select Committee on Benghazi disagree on whether Hillary Clinton’s Oct. 22 testimony produced any new information.

Biden on Bin Laden, Take 2

Biden on Bin Laden, Take 2

Vice president Biden now says that he privately advised President Obama to approve the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. That’s different from what Biden and Obama said in 2012.

Partisan Spin on Benghazi

Partisan Spin on Benghazi

The Republican chairman and ranking Democrat on the House Benghazi committee each distorted the facts during TV appearances to discuss the committee’s work.

The Oregon Shooting and Gun-Free Zones

The Oregon Shooting and Gun-Free Zones

After a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, Donald Trump and other GOP presidential candidates said the school was a “gun-free zone.” That’s not exactly accurate.

Clinton and the Benghazi Reports

Clinton and the Benghazi Reports

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said all of the government investigations into the terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi concluded that “nobody did anything wrong.” That’s not exactly accurate.