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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Clinton on Global Domestic Violence Laws

Clinton on Global Domestic Violence Laws

Hillary Clinton says “more than half the nations in the world” have no laws on domestic violence. But the U.N. reports that 125 countries — two-thirds of all nations — had such laws as of April 2011.

Chris Christie Spins Economic Data

Chris Christie Spins Economic Data

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a couple of economic claims at a recent forum in New Hampshire that may seem startling at first — until placed into context.

Rand Paul Revises History of Cheney Criticism

Rand Paul Revises History of Cheney Criticism

Sen. Rand Paul dismissed comments he once made about Dick Cheney’s motives for invading Iraq by claiming they were made “before I was involved in politics for myself.” That’s false.

Obama’s Exaggerated Health Care Claims

Obama’s Exaggerated Health Care Claims

President Obama made some exaggerated claims during a recent speech in Cleveland about the Affordable Care Act and the House Republican proposal for Medicare.