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FactChecking Scott Walker

FactChecking Scott Walker

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker became the 15th Republican to officially declare he is running for president of the United States. “I’m in,” he tweeted to his followers this morning.

Clinton Spins Immigration, Emails

Clinton Spins Immigration, Emails

Hillary Clinton falsely claimed that “all” GOP presidential candidates “don’t want to provide a path to citizenship,” and she distorted the facts on her use of a private email account.

FactChecking Jeb Bush

FactChecking Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush, the brother of one president and son of another, plans to join the 2016 presidential campaign today. It is the first time he has run for national office, so our file on him isn’t as robust as those for some other candidates.

Christie’s Tax Dodge

Christie’s Tax Dodge

Chris Christie repeatedly has said that U.S. corporations are taxed twice on income earned abroad, claiming in one speech that IRS officials “don’t recognize the tax that you paid to a foreign country.” That’s false.

Webb, Santorum Spin Past Campaigns

Webb, Santorum Spin Past Campaigns

Democrat Jim Webb and Republican Rick Santorum got the facts wrong recently when recalling the details of past and present campaigns.